Maximum Output & Accuracy on Count-to-Target Pieces

Double Lane Counter CL2R
- Feeding capacity on count-to-target up to 48 bags per minute 5 counts
- Four different options upon job type: Big fruit, small fruit, mixed fruit or soft fruit
- Layout versatility: For a GirBagger soft or GirBagger standard, and for high yield clipper equipment
- CL2R counter designed for lemons, limes, clems, avocados, onions, garlic, apples, bulbs and tomatoes
- Able to count pieces ranging from 1.2 in. to 2.75 in. diameter as small fruit counter
- Able to count pieces ranging from 2.4 in. to 3.9 in. diameter as big fruit counter
- There is a mixed lane model that enables to count big and small fruit simultaneously aiming to pack mixed fruit bags: i.e. Lime Lemon mixed bag
- Double capture data system: Photocell (direct detection) and chain sensor (pinion step detection)
- Includes wheel for 3 mode rolls rotation adjustment: forward rotation, steady, and backwards rotation
- Includes speed frequency converters with acceleration ramp in order to avoid backward falling of fruit
- Double lane CL2R counter performance: 640 pieces per minute
- Single lane CL1R counter performance: 320 pieces per minute
- CL2R coupled to a bi-directional conveyer 0104TL0000320 is an ideal setup for feeding 2 GirBagger at the maximum yield rate in a count-to-target mode
- Ships from Vidalia, GA