Ideal Weigher for a Wide Range of Work Environments

Static Weigher PEG-12/160
- Robust static weigher with lower maintenance costs
- Able to work in harsh environments: potatoes and onions
- Great dump capacity to achieve greater productivity
- 3 different models to better adapt to different product sizes: small mandarines, brussels sprouts, cumquats, chestnuts, walnuts, avocados, oranges, potatoes
- Static weighing system with a digital ?lter of 12 buckets in line
- Capable of handling a full range of fruits and vegetables: min .6 in.
- Output up to 60 weights/min (2.2 lbs.)
- Range of weights from 1.1 lbs. to 22 lbs. (in 1 dump) and up to 55 lbs. in several dumps.
- Discharge system through 2 bidirectional exit belts
- Weight accuracy of 5% for weights up to 2.2 lbs., and from 0,5% to 2% for higher weights
- Connect your PEG-12/160 to GriControl Plus: you will get accurate information to improve your productivity
- With the small fruit kit the PEG-12/160 is able to handle products of .59 in. to 1.57 in.
- The XL version use bigger hoppers to maximize the dumping cycle and increase productivity
- Ships from Vidalia, GA